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Love Your Content Marketing Like This Simplistic Chore


It can take two to three hours to write a solid blog article.

It can take an afternoon to schedule social posts for the week ahead.

We’re a content marketing company, but we make no bones about it:

Content is a chore.

Part of the reason it’s difficult for entrepreneurs and SMBs to make time for content marketing is that they’re thinking about it as the wrong kind of chore.

It’s not like making your bed, getting a car wash or making a meal. No one is really going to get after you if your bed is never made, or if your car is covered in salt or dirt.

You know it’s cheaper to make home-cooked meals, but it’s easier to just order a pizza.

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No one would seriously try to argue that there are no upsides to a tidy room, a clean car, or a home-cooked meal. Just like no one tries to argue that there’s no reason to blog or maintain a social presence.

We know that our domestic routines make our lives more orderly.

We know that content marketing helps our businesses grow leaps and bounds.

But content marketing isn’t a chore like making your bed, getting a car wash, or cooking.

Content marketing is more like brushing your teeth.

Blogging Is The Oral Health Of Your Business

About half of Americans only brush once in a day, even though we all know we’re supposed to rake our pearlies twice in that amount of time.

Similarly, about three-quarters of SMBs don’t have a strategy for content marketing.

They’re only brushing when their teeth feel dirty.

So what do the dentists of content marketing say about how often you should blog?

Data from Hubspot show that companies that post 16 or more posts a month get more than three times the traffic than those that publish once a week (or less).

Depending on your company size, 16+ a month might be tough. Heck, we’re floating somewhere around 8-10 ourselves. But remember that 75% are in the 0-4 a month range. You can at least do better than that.

And the health of your business will thank you for it.


Blogging multiple times a week doesn’t show any immediate ROI. Brushing twice a day doesn’t either.

But blogging multiple times a week does result in more traffic. That’s common sense.

Here are a few other things it results in:

Think Long-Term Health, Not Immediate Compliments

Dentists often tell you that the health of your teeth says a lot about the health of your body. There are some serious illnesses that dentists are able to spot even before your doctor.

But I don’t need to convince you to go to the dentist. You know you have to go to the dentist.

I need to convince you that regular posting to your blog is a chore like brushing your teeth, not one like making your bed.

There’s no immediate ROI for brushing twice a day. Sure, some people might compliment your bright smile here and there, but that’s few and far between.

That’s not why you do it.

Similarly, you might get an email here or there in the first couple months of regular blogging complimenting a post you did several weeks ago. Maybe you get a comment, or an unexpected share on Twitter.

It’s not really enough to keep you going, is it?

But think about the ROI that you know you’re looking for when it comes to your teeth. You brush, or at least understand how important it is to brush, because you know what the long-term downsides are.

Key Takeaways To Think About During Happy Hour

When you’re 60, you don’t want nasty, brown teeth that need to be pulled in favor of fake dentures.

You want healthy teeth for as long as you can humanly keep them.

Your blog is to your business what your oral health is to your body.

Brush twice daily, and you’ll have strong chompers longer than anyone you know.

Post regularly, and you’ll have a thriving, successful business that you can depend on long-term.

If you could see into your own future and avoid some disease if only you start brushing twice a day, you’d do it.

The data are in, and they say the same thing year over year. Blogging regularly is the best possible thing you can do to strengthen your business over time.


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